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St. Oliver Plunkett’s Primary School Forkhill

Eco Committee 23-24

Eco Committee 23-24

🌎♻️Earth Day♻️ 🌎


The goal of Earth Day is to inspire people to take action to protect the planet and its natural resources for future generations.To celebrate this special day, our Eco Committee visited each class to show us different ways that we can help to protect our beautiful planet. Thank you Eco Committee! ♻️


Easter Raffle Winners! 🐣


The Eco-Committee organised this years Easter Raffle to raise money for our sister parish of Mbiko in Uganda. The total amount raised was £400. Thanks to all the boys and girls and parents for being so generous.  Thanks also to those who donated a prize. Well done to the Eco-Committee, Mrs McKenna and all the winners- We hope you enjoy all that chocolate!


Eco Committee Fairtrade Coffee Morning

The Eco Committee held their annual Fairtrade coffee morning this morning. Staff were treated to Fairtrade tea, coffee, bananas, Jame and scones. Delicious! Thank you Eco Committee! 


🐣 Easter Raffle 🎟️

The Eco Committee will be selling tickets for the Easter raffle next week- Tuesday 18th March 🐣


Fairtrade Big Breakfast

The Eco Committee will be hosting their annual Fairtrade Big Breakfast next Thursday 21st March. We can't wait to try all of the lovely Fairtrade products!  


Recycle Your Batteries 🪫🔋


The Eco Committee held an assembly today to explain the importance of recycling our batteries. It was very informative!


The Eco Committee are asking everyone to take in old/used batteries from home. There may be a special prize for the class that collects the most! 


Eco School News

19th Jun 2024
Thank you to our amazing Eco-Committee for completing a successful litter pick around...
22nd Apr 2024
The goal of Earth Day is to inspire people to take action to protect the planet and...
27th Mar 2024
The Eco-Committee organised this years Easter Raffle to raise money for our sister...
26th Mar 2024
The Eco Committee Easter raffle will take place tomorrow. Tickets are £1 each...
21st Mar 2024
The Eco Committee held their annual Fairtrade coffee morning this morning. Staff...
28th Jun 2023
Our Eco Committee have secured planning permission from Mr Woods for a brand new...
5th Apr 2023
The Eco-Committee organised this years Easter Raffle to raise money for Trocaire...
16th Jun 2022
Well Done to all the winners who were selected for the T-Shirt competition.  Your...
28th Jan 2022
Safer Internet Day 2022 is approaching on the 8th February. Our theme this year is...
14th Dec 2021
The children all wrote their names on a stone and placed them in the Grotto on Wednesday...
19th Jun 2020
Mrs Mc Kenna is very impressed with Michael who has sent her some fantastic photos....
21st May 2020
Tom McKeever spotted these in the eaves.....they are Starlings...he is a keen bird...
15th Apr 2020
Well done to the Mc Glade family who are continuing with the brilliant work of our...
20th Jan 2020
The Eco-Committee will be collecting for "Cash for Clobber" on February 3rd. ...
25th Nov 2019
Our school Eco Committee organised a litter pick around our school grounds and...
25th Nov 2019
Well done to those boys and girls who were winners in the Art Competition organised...
14th Jun 2019
We are delighted to announce that on Wednesday we were awarded the status of being...
17th Apr 2019
Well done to all our winners in our Easter Raffle. Mrs. Mc Kenna and the Eco Committee...
4th Apr 2019
The Eco Committee recently set our families a big challenge: What could they create...
4th Apr 2019
Our school Eco Committee had a meeting recently with Mr Fintan Burns, Chairperson...
4th Apr 2019
Ms Rachel Brady from Bryson House gave a very interesting talk on Energy Matters...
30th Nov 2018
Our school Eco Committee are currently very busy attempting to reduce energy costs...
10th Oct 2018
Pupils spent another great afternoon in the school garden planting violas and sweet...
25th Jun 2018
Today pupils visited Finnegan’s Nursery for the final time where they had an...
14th May 2018
Today P6 pupils headed back to Finnegan’s Nursery in Silverbridge to attend...
10th Apr 2018
Today the school welcomed Karl from Eco Mantella an educational group experienced...
19th Feb 2018
Thanks to Cathy Gorman from 'Eco Schools- Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful' who came...
4th Dec 2017
Our Eco Committee were very busy today with a Food Waste assembly and a tree planting...
23rd Jun 2017
It was another busy day in school with the official opening of the new Greenspace...
23rd Mar 2016
The Eco-Committee organised this years Easter Raffle to raise money for Water Aid...
27th May 2015
Over recent weeks, P5/6 have been developing their school garden with the support...

Eco Committee

Our Eco Committee for the school year 21-22 has been selected.  Well done to Leah, Jayden, Cailum, Ruairi, Joseph and Pippa. You are already so keen to get started. We can't wait to see what ideas you come up with!


Eco Schools


A New Addition to our School Garden!


We have a new addition to our school garden.  It is already attracting new species.  Watch out for the life cycle of the frog!


A big thank you to Derek Johnston, father of Alannah, Meaghan and Tiarnan, for providing the pond.


Thank you

Thank you to Sean Toner for donating all our Fair Trade treats for the Big Breakfast.  


Fair Trade Big Breakfast


The Eco-Committee's Trip to REGEN


Food Waste Management Assembly


Thanks to Cathy Gorman from 'Eco Schools- Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful' who came into school today to speak to the Primary 4 and Primary 5 children.  The Eco-Committee also took part in todays workshop all about food waste management.  Cathy was very impressed when the children spoke about the different measures we take in school to reduce and recycle our food waste.


A very busy day for the Eco Committee


Calling all parents!

The Eco-Committee are busy setting up a new Bug Hotel in the school garden.  If you have any old materials that you are finished with at home and think it could be used in the Bug Hotel, please leave it at reception. Thank you!

Outdoor Classroom Day

Outdoor Classroom Day is a day to celebrate and inspire outdoor learning and play. On Thursday 18th May, we will take lessons outside and prioritise playtime.  Fingers crossed for some good weather!


The Eco-Committee welcomes Patrick McShane from Newry, Mourne and Down District Council


Easter Raffle in aid of our adopted Parish Mbikko

The Eco-Committee organised an Easter raffle to help our adopted Parish of Mbikko, Uganda. The Sisters of St Francis will distribute the money to needy boys and girls buying books and pencils-things we take for granted. The total money raised was £265 and 15.50 euro. Thanks to all the boys and girls for being so generous.


Wrigley's Litter Pick


We had a very successful litter pick last week as you can see from the photographs. Each class did their bit to make our school and village look neat and tidy. Thank you to all our parent volunteers for helping us. Keep up the fantastic work!


Calling all volunteers!

Could you spare one hour next week to take part in our Big Spring Clean around the school grounds and beyond? If you can please report to the Eco-Committee. Thank you!

FAIRTRADE Big Breakfast for FAIRTRADE Fortnight


The Eco Committee held a FAIRTRADE Big Breakfast for staff this morning and would like to thank Marks and Spencer's for sponsoring the FAIRTRADE products used in our hamper and breakfast.  It was a huge success as the photos show (maybe we could have it every Friday!)




To celebrate Fair Trade Fortnight the Eco-Committee are very busy organising a coffee morning, attending conferences and organising a competition. Today a group of four from the Eco-Committee were chosen to attend a Fair Trade event in the Sean Hollywood Arts Centre in Newry. They also visited Marks and Spencers to collect a Fair Trade hamper which will be the prize in the family competition.  Watch this space!


Environmental Calendar Poster Competition Winners

Congratulations to Aoife, Daniel, Teighan and Aoife whose posters were highly commended in the Newry, Mourne and Down District Council's Environmental Calendar Poster Competition. 


Switch Off Fortnight


Watch out for the Energy Busters who will be making sure that electrical lights and devices are turned off when not being used. Listen out for our non-iPad day when we will be switching off for 12 hours!


Congratulations to the Primary 3's for being the class that saved the most electricity. 


The Waste Bus visits our school


Spring Clean Award


Congratulations to Ruby, Ava, Cliodhna, Caoimhe and Shane from the Eco Committee who represented the school at the 'Down Your Street' awards ceremony.  A certificate of recognition was presented along with a worm composter and a spot prize of five desk side blue bins for taking part in this years Big Spring Clean around the school grounds. A great day was had by all. A big thank you to Patrick McShane and all at Newry, Mourne and Down District Council.


The Big Spring Clean


Well done to the Eco Committee and volunteers for taking part in the Big Spring Clean around the school grounds. Look at what we found!


Calling all volunteers!

Could you spare one hour on the 27th April to take part in our Big Spring Clean around the school grounds? If you can please report to the assembly hall at 9am. Thank you!

Calling all swifts!


We took delivery of a swift box this afternoon. Thank you to Built Heritage for supplying it.


Going bananas for FAIRTRADE


The Eco Committee would like to thank Total Produce, Dundalk for providing FAIRTRADE bananas for every child in the school to celebrate FAIRTRADE fortnight.


Eco Committee holds a FAIRTRADE Big Breakfast


The Eco Committee held a FAIRTRADE Big Breakfast for staff this morning and would like to thank Mr Adrian Garvey for sponsoring the FAIRTRADE products.  It was a huge success as the photos show (maybe we could have it every Friday!)


Eco Assembly


Members of the Eco Committee marked the beginning of Fair Trade fortnight with an assembly. They presented a PowerPoint Presentation on what Fair Trade is all about and had a question and answer session to follow. Well done.  A Fair Trade breakfast will take place on Friday 4th March.


Eco Committee takes delivery of new planters


Eco Committee

Just a reminder from the Eco Committee- don't forget to recycle all those Christmas cards and Christmas trees!